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const FMapGet = Map.prototype.get const FWeakMap = WeakMap const FWeakMapHas = WeakMap.prototype.has const FWeakMapSet = WeakMap.prototype.set const FWeakMapGet = WeakMap.prototype.get const FBWeakMapHas: (self: WeakMap<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakMapHas) const FBWeakMapSet: (self: WeakMap<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakMapSet) const FBWeakMapGet: (self: WeakMap<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakMapGet) const FBMapHas: (self: Map<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FMapHas) const FBMapSet: (self: Map<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FMapSet) const FBMapGet: (self: Map<any, any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FMapGet) const FSet = Set const FSetHas = Set.prototype.has const FSetAdd = Set.prototype.add const FSetDelete = Set.prototype.delete const FWeakSet = WeakSet const FWeakSetHas = WeakSet.prototype.has const FWeakSetAdd = WeakSet.prototype.add const FWeakSetDelete = WeakSet.prototype.delete const FBSetHas: (self: Set<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FSetHas) const FBSetAdd: (self: Set<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FSetAdd) const FBSetDelete: (self: Set<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FSetDelete) const FBWeakSetHas: (self: WeakSet<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakSetHas) const FBWeakSetAdd: (self: WeakSet<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakSetAdd) const FBWeakSetDelete: (self: WeakSet<any>, ...args: any[]) => any = FCall.bind(FWeakSetDelete) const FArrayMap = const FBArrayMap: <T, U>(arg: T[], cb: (v: T, i: number) => U)=>U[] = FCall.bind(FArrayMap) as any const FReflect: typeof Reflect = { // ...Reflect, construct: Reflect.construct, ownKeys: Reflect.ownKeys, get: Reflect.get, set: Reflect.set, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, apply: Reflect.apply, getPrototypeOf: Reflect.getPrototypeOf, defineProperty: Reflect.defineProperty, setPrototypeOf: Reflect.setPrototypeOf, isExtensible: Reflect.isExtensible, preventExtensions: Reflect.preventExtensions, has: Reflect.has, deleteProperty: Reflect.deleteProperty, enumerate: Reflect.enumerate } const FCreateEmpty = Object.create.bind(Object, null) const FSetPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf const FGetPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf const FGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor const FFreeze = Object.freeze const FIsFrozen = Object.isFrozen const SymbolIterator: (typeof Symbol)['iterator'] = Symbol.iterator const FBArrayToIterator: <T>(arr: T[])=> Iterable<T> = (arr: any[]) => { let index = 0 const next = () => { if (index >= arr.length) { return { value: undefined, done: true } } else { const result = { value: arr[index], done: false } index++ return result } } const value: { next: typeof next, [Symbol.iterator]: any } = { next, [SymbolIterator]: function () { return this } } as any return value } const FSetValues = Set.prototype.values const FSetIteratorNext = (FReflect.getPrototypeOf((new Set).values()) as any).next const FBSetToIterator = (set: Set<any>) => { const iterator = FReflect.apply(FSetValues, set, []) const next = () => FReflect.apply(FSetIteratorNext, iterator, []) const value: { next: typeof next, [Symbol.iterator]: any } = { next, [SymbolIterator]: function () { return this } } as any return value } const FConsoleError = console.error /** * Using the getOwnPropertyDescriptor and FGetPrototypeOf * @param obj any * @param key object key */ const FResolveDesc = (obj: any, key: string | number | symbol) => { const weak = new FWeakMap() let currentTarget = obj while (currentTarget && !FBWeakMapHas(weak, currentTarget)) { FBWeakMapSet(weak, currentTarget, true) const desc = FReflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(currentTarget, key) if (desc !== undefined) { FSetPrototypeOf(desc, null) return desc } currentTarget = FGetPrototypeOf(currentTarget) } return undefined } /** * Clear all prototype prop from the whole object */ const dropPrototypeRecursive = <T extends object>(unsafeObj: T, record = FReflect.construct(FWeakMap, [])) => { if (FBWeakMapHas(record, unsafeObj)) { return unsafeObj } if (unsafeObj != null && (typeof unsafeObj === 'function' || typeof unsafeObj === 'object')) { FSetPrototypeOf(unsafeObj, null) Iif (FGetPrototypeOf(unsafeObj) !== null) { throw new FError('PROTOTYPE LEAKING!!!') } FFreeze(unsafeObj) Iif (!FIsFrozen) { throw new FError('tainted object!!!') } // the object may use timing attack to bypass get prototype check // because it is not frozen at that time Iif (FGetPrototypeOf(unsafeObj) !== null) { throw new FError('PROTOTYPE LEAKING!!!') } FBWeakMapSet(record, unsafeObj, true) // burst it no matter it is enumerable or not // nothing should ever leak var keys = FReflect.ownKeys(/** @type {any} */(unsafeObj)) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { dropPrototypeRecursive((unsafeObj as any)[keys[i]], record) } } return unsafeObj } /** * get prop without trigger the getter * @param unsafeObj * @param name */ const safeGetProp = <T extends object, U extends keyof T>(unsafeObj: T, name: U): T[U] | null => { Iif (unsafeObj == null || (typeof unsafeObj !== 'object' && typeof unsafeObj !== 'function')) { return null } try { const unsafeDesc = FGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(unsafeObj, name) const valueDesc = FGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(unsafeDesc, 'value') Iif (valueDesc == null) { throw "value desk does not exist" } return 'value' in valueDesc ? valueDesc.value : null } catch (err) { FConsoleError('BAD ACTOR', unsafeObj, name) throw 'This shouldn\'t happen' } } const FNodeNodeNameGetter = typeof Node != 'undefined' ? FReflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'nodeName')!.get! : () => {} // Test whether given object is a dom node or not const getNodeName = (obj: any) => { try { return FReflect.apply(FNodeNodeNameGetter, obj, []) } catch (err) { return null } } // prevent arguments.caller dropPrototypeRecursive(safeGetProp) /** * expose `this` to getter/setter on these prototypes should be safe, * because they only use internal slot of 'this' * input/output still need to be wrapped */ const whitelistedPrototypes: any[] = [ Date.prototype, Promise.prototype, Map.prototype, Set.prototype, WeakMap.prototype, WeakSet.prototype, ArrayBuffer.prototype, (Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array) as any).prototype, // TypedArray Int8Array.prototype, Int16Array.prototype, Int32Array.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype, Uint8ClampedArray.prototype, Uint16Array.prototype, Uint32Array.prototype, DataView.prototype, RegExp.prototype, FReflect.getPrototypeOf(FReflect.getPrototypeOf((function * () {})())), // generator prototype FReflect.getPrototypeOf(new Map().values()), // map iterator FReflect.getPrototypeOf(new Set().values()), // set iterator ] Eif (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') { whitelistedPrototypes[whitelistedPrototypes.length] = SharedArrayBuffer.prototype } const shared = { FProxy, FProxyRevocable, FError, FArray, FArrayIsArray, FMap, FBMapHas, FBMapGet, FBMapSet, FWeakMap, FBWeakMapHas, FBWeakMapSet, FBWeakMapGet, FSet, FBSetHas, FBSetAdd, FBSetDelete, FWeakSet, FBWeakSetHas, FBWeakSetAdd, FBWeakSetDelete, FBArrayMap, FBArrayToIterator, FBSetToIterator, FReflect, FCreateEmpty, FFreeze, FIsFrozen, FResolveDesc, FConsoleError, dropPrototypeRecursive, safeGetProp, getNodeName, whitelistedPrototypes } FSetPrototypeOf(shared, null) FFreeze(shared) return shared } export type IShared = ReturnType<typeof makeShared> |